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Problem in programming

+1 vote

Hi i have evo one and i change in settings on my flashlink 4 the number 6 option it says door lock before and after remote-start it was no so I chose Look after remote-start 8.3 after that when i run my car by the remote my wheels don't turn full only half but when i turn my car by the button it's work fine so I do the reset bypass side and return to the flashlink 4 and the same option number 6 door lock before and after remote-start and I put it back to no like it was and i did decryptor but nothing change the opinion didn't work when i turn the car by remote didn't happend like before it was like door open the closing then the car run 

My evo one SN#002B04108420

Flashlink 4 SN#002505 085445

posté depuis 2 jours dans la catégorie Mazda par Big1Boss (190 points)

1 Réponse

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To reset the remote stater options to the factory default position you must follow the procedure shown at the bottom of page 2 of the evo-one guide:


Option D2 is what will make the car unlock before start and lock after start. This option is needed if the vehicle has an oem alarm.


Also please note, if settings protection is on (which it is in your unit) a master reset of the bypass will not erase the options.


Best regards.
répondu depuis 13 heures par derek g (358,430 points)