Questions & Answers

airbag lamp

0 votes
I installed key override all on lexus GX460 and on the second day airbag lamp lighted up. Why? Remote start system- Avital 4103. (door open before start, lock with wire start(-), and again lock after shut down-12min).
posté Nov 5, 2016 dans la catégorie Lexus par G M (15,710 points)
modifié Nov 5, 2016 par G M

1 Réponse

0 votes
If the airbag light came on I would suggest checking your installation and any connectors associated with the air bag system.

The KOA does not communicate in any way with the airbag system.
répondu Nov 7, 2016 par derek g (347,230 points)
Thanks. Client that called, airbag lamp has extinguished itself...