Questions & Answers

EVO One & RF Kit Update

0 votes
As far as I understand while programming with Flashlink the newest firmware will be automatically loaded ?

Does that include both the bypass and starter firmwares, or is there a combined one ?

I am also assuming the RF Kit antenna firmware has to be done manually ?
asked Mar 15, 2021 in FAQ by Martin Sermak (710 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
the bypass and starter firmware are done one after the other automatically in qizard mode (if available). Other wise you have to flash each individually.


the 9 series anetnna can be updated but again is done seperatly and requires you to plug the antenna itself into the flasher.
answered Mar 15, 2021 by derek g (358,230 points)
selected Mar 16, 2021 by Martin Sermak
I have verified my firmwares and Bypass is on 85.10, Starter is on 1.25 and Antenna is on 1.05 now.

The antenna was showing 0.33 I believe but it works fine after updating to 1.05.

It was weird because there was also a 0.40 which indicated that it was newer than 1.05 based on release date ?!
Youll be fine, just stick with the 1.05.