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2019 & 2017 Toyota Tundra crank no start, starts sometimes

0 votes
I had 2 installation today on 2019 & 2017 Toyota Tundra, both had same issue. Both trucks would crank only with no start. But sometimes it would start during the first remote start attempt and sometimes it would start on the 2ed attempt after the first attempt timed out. I used a crimestopper RS4-G5 with an Evo-All. I have installed many units over the years and I dont think it is a coincidence that I had the same issue with both trucks. Is there anything I could have done wrong for this to happen. I even changed the communication protocals on to see if that would help and it did not.
asked Dec 5, 2021 in Toyota by Ariel Taveras (630 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What are the S/N numbers to the modules in question?


It may be related to how they were flashed/configured.
answered Dec 6, 2021 by derek g (336,040 points)
SN: 001A07033022

SN: 001A07033008
turn off d2 in both units and re test.
Ok I will try it during the weekend. Can you explain why that would fix the issue? I dont understand how that would work. The trucks OEM alarms did go off like twice during remote start attempts.

Thank you
The evo may not be given enough time by the remote starter to both dis arm the veicle and provide immo data/can data. Turning off D2 will allow the evo to just send imo and can. If that fixes it, I would simply connect the dis arm wire from your starter to the vehicle.