Questions & Answers

Have ignition but wont start?

+1 vote
Installing EVO-ALL in 2010 Toyota Highlander Puch to Start.  All wired up correctly!  When hitting lock 3X the blue light flashes 3 times then goes out, the red and yellow light come on but the vehicle does not crank.  It cycles through this process 2 times then shuts off.  Also, when car sits for an extended period, when hitting lock 3X no lights come on on the EVO-ALL.  I have to cycle vehicle ignition first??
asked Feb 9, 2014 in Toyota by Joe H.

1 Answer

0 votes

When hitting lock 3X the blue light flashes 3 times then goes out, the red and yellow light come on but the vehicle does not crank.

Does ignition ever turn on when doing 3x Lock?

answered Feb 10, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)