Questions & Answers

2023 Ford Raptor (for reference)

+1 vote
For reference...On the 2023 Raptor, the CAN wires were in the left threshold, under the large black connector. The rest are all like the F-250...
asked May 28 in Ford by G M (14,260 points)
reopened May 29 by G M

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


Thank you for the information it is appreciated!

Sounds like your 23 ranger is the same as our 24 ranger.

Passenger side.


Best regards.
answered May 28 by derek g (336,040 points)
selected May 29 by G M
Yes, probably. We were looking for the key slot (without a battery), and as was shown in the video for the 2024 model, this was the case in our 2023 Ranger.