Questions & Answers

why would the starter grind on take-over?

0 votes
I installed a evo- one on my wifes 2013 PTS altima. After a month or so with everything working fine the starter began to grind for less than a second when a takeover was attempted. Why did this develop and how do i stop it.
asked Mar 2, 2015 in Nissan by Brian Frawley2 (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

What is the 12 digit service number on the EVO-ONE?

Does it only happen after a remote start, or does it also happen if trying to start the car normally?

When you do takeover, do you press the PTS button or do you just get in the vehicle and drive away? The take over procedure should be :

  • Remote start vehicle
  • Press unlock
  • Get in vehicle
  • Press on brake
  • Driver away

Why did this develop and how do i stop it.

Why it developed can be a few reason ranging from connections, diodes, operation, and options. A simple and quick fix is to enable the option that has the vehicle shut down when you open a door.

answered Mar 2, 2015 by Robert T (299,650 points)