Questions & Answers

Hyundai Veloster Turbo, Evo-All and CrimeStopper RS00

0 votes
2015 Veloster Turbo.

Hooked up EVO-All and Crimestopper RS00-G5.

When programming, data link seems fine, I get the 10 red flashes, but then for CAN bus, the blue AND red lights both flash.   Is that normal?

When pressing lock three times, the blue light on the EVO blinks each time lock is pressed, but the car does not attempt to start.   

I have double checked all connections and wired per the diagram provided on your web site, all connections are made and confirmed with a volt/ohm meter.


Please help!
asked Dec 2, 2017 in Hyundai by Stephen Huminski (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The module has never been flashed for your vehicle.

Please update the module with the recommended firmware.
answered Dec 4, 2017 by derek g (336,040 points)
Are you saying I need to purchase the add-on programmer for this EVO-All and update the firmware?  The will literally double the total cost of this unit now.   Where is that information in any of the sales documentation?   Nowhere was it noted that I will need to purchase the programmer to make this work.   Would sure have been nice to know ahead of time....

The unit does seem to respond to my "lock" button on my factory remote, via a blue flash every time it is pressed.   And if I manually ground out the "trigger" wire on the RS00 three times, the car will start just fine without the fob in the vehicle, so it seems to be working just fine as a data bypass, it is just not communicating the "start" command to the RS00 with three lock pushes on the remote.
it is noted directly on the website for your car that the flash link is required:


PTS model under required accessories:


Key model under required accessories:

Thank you Derek, but if you look there, it only shows the flash link updater as being required for the EVO-One, not the EVO-All, which I have. 

And just to follow up, I was able to get my hands on a flash link yesterday afternoon.

The firmware was not the issue.   I had to enable option C1 for OEM Remote Monitoring on the EVO-All.   Once I did that, it worked fine.  I did not modify firmware.  

Thanks for your help, and I would suggest you make this more clear on your web site, since as you can see above, there is no mention of needing the Flash-Link for the EVO-All, and the EVO-All is sold as, among other things, an interface to allow 3X OEM Lock to trigger a remote start, something it absolutely can not do out of the box without another $40 accessory that will literally be used once and then sit.

Glad you got it figured out.

You are correct for evo-all it is not qreuied for using the evo as just a bypass, when wanting to do optional things like your rs-00 to 3x lock with requires specific options be enabled in the evo which is a user setting you want for your specific installation, then it is definitely required.


In either case I have affect the change for future reference.
