Questions & Answers

rf 441 programming not responding?

0 votes
2008 ford escape installed evo one (wire to wire) with 1 key, but when programming rf441 the antenna blue light is just on and does not respond when you step on the brake 4 times. I tried a different set of rfk441 but still the same result


sn 002b04253021



asked Nov 1, 2022 in Ford by Moike (580 points)
edited Nov 1, 2022 by Moike

1 Answer

+1 vote


If the module is not reacting to the footbrake signal through can bus, try hardwiring the brake wire to the vehicle. The evo one brake wire is the black wire on the 20 pin connector. This would go to the brake wire at the brake switch that has 12v when the pedal is depressed and 0v when the pedal is released.
answered Nov 1, 2022 by derek g (358,230 points)
That did the trick, But now I tried to start it with the rf kit, its not starting, evo one has no light, it would just click 4 times and not start. Unlock and locking doors work though.
4x indicates valet mode.


To enter/exit valet mode:

1- ignition on

2- press valet switch or button on the antenna 3x

3- ignition off.
That worked out, but the car would remote start then shut off, I cut the black brake switch wire and it remote started properly, but now when you get in the vehicle and step on the brake, the car does not shut off? any work around this?
Try turning off A7 in the bypass and then re connecting the black wire. If that doesnt do it, disconnect the black wire and enable option D3 - door open shut down.