Questions & Answers

2013 F-150 EVO-ALL-FORT1 Install

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I am trying to install the EVO-ALL-FORT1 with T-Harness on my 2013 F-150. I didn

posté Sept 20, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par James Owen (130 points)

1 Réponse

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We need a little more information in order to help you out better.


Thank you.
répondu Sept 21, 2015 par J M (64,070 points)

I am trying to install the EVO-ALL-FORT1 with T-Harness on my 2013 F-150. I didn’t receive any instructions with this unit. Do I need the flash module to update firmware? Also what is the need for the 20 pin connector as it connects to nothing? After watching the “Plug and Play Remote Start Installation 2011-2014 Ford F150, F250, F350, F450“ video at (  by warmcarnow), it does not work. While attempting to program the data portion, I noticed the blue light does not go out or flash upon turning the ignition on as it did in the video

If you are trying to do 3xlock start, your unit as it is right now is not set up to do so, these options need to be set by using a Flashlink-2 Updater (sold separately) and Flashlink Manager v 3.52.


There are also connectons to be made on the 20 pin connector as shown in this guide :

Yoiu will also need to upgrade the firmware to 71.29

Thank you.
