Questions & Answers

Pins function on EVOAll

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im just wondering about the key sense pins. 

Is A16 the signal to engage engine start? If not, on standalone setups, which EVOAll signal triggers engine cranking?

on standalone systems, why is a1, a16 and yellow/black wired together?

if I have a standard installation with a remote starter which has an ignition output wired to a1 and yellow/black, can I also wire a16 here?



posté Avr 22, 2017 dans la catégorie Bypass par Andres Mora (480 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
a16 is an output, it does not trigger remote start. In a standalone configuration yellow/black is the trigger to start

Is a standard installation yellow/black is NOT an activation input, do NOT send power to it. When in standard installation the EVOALL is the slave and it obeys to the remote starter command, it can not be triggered to start by a wire.
répondu Avr 24, 2017 par Andres Mora (85,210 points)
Hello Mathieu

Thanks for your reply. Im Still confused. Im looking at guide # 32041 (standard) and # 32051 (standalone), I see that A1, A16 and RS6 (ignition from the remote starter) are wired together to yellow/black.

On my current installation, A1 and RS6 are wired to yellow/black. A16 isnt connected to anything.

What happens if i turn D1 on my current setup? 001a06608084


If using a separate remote starter, follow guide 32041.


There are 2 YELLOW/BLACK wires.

  • Yellow/Black on the EVO 20-pin is not connected to anything in that installation guide.
  • Yellow/Black from the T-harness though is connected to the YELLOW.

What happens if i turn D1 on my current setup? 001a06608084

The EVO will work as a remote starter and not a slave to a separate remote starter unit.

Stand alone also reconfigures the EVO 20-pin connector to match what is in the Stand Alone installation guide.

Thanks Robb

We got confused somehow :D. Indeed yellow/black from 20-pin isnt connected. here isnt the issue.

Im seeing that guide and yellow/black from the t-harness is connected to A1,A16 and also a ignition signal from a remote starter. Why then? In both types of installation (standalone and standard) the ignition wire from a remote starter is wired up together to A1, A16 and yellow-black from tharness. why?


The Ignition wire from the remote starter is connected to the yellow/black for 2 reasons.


1. The remote starter needs an Ignition sense so that when you are driving the vehicle, the starter can detect this via it's igntion wire (and not crank the vehicle again when the engine is already running) when the key is in the Igniton (keysense)


2. If the remote starter has a built in alarm, connecting the RS igntion wire to the evo's ignition output instead of key sense(yellow/black of t-harness) will trigger an alarm when the vehicle is remote started since the RS will detect power on it's IGN wire


 Pin A16 (purple/yellow) is used to disarm the oem alarm, pulsing the keysense (yellow/black) no alarm trigger since the RS already received the unlock/disarm signal first before this wire is pulsed to disarm the oem alarm. During remote starting, igntion is powered up instead to disarm.