Questions & Answers

Malibu 2009 blowing ignition 2amp fuse

0 votes
Recenly installed evo all with compustar ft7200 remote starter on 2009 chevrolet malibu and after couple weeks intermittently blowing ignition fuse . Seems like happening during door lock or unlock.
posté Juil 23, 2020 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Palwinder Singh (570 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Wire your compustar main power to another power source. It's most likely blowing when the starter is pulsing the parking lights when locking/unlocking.
répondu Juil 24, 2020 par Robert T (299,650 points)
Checked the wiring again and passlock wire was disconnected from white green wire during knee bolster installation and was grounding intermittely , soldered the the wire again and shrink sleeve installed . hopefully wont blow 2 amp fuse anymore