Questions & Answers

Tundra G key 2010 Final program fail

0 votes
2010 Tundrea with G key. Harness bought so no cutting/soldering of wires. I get to the final stage (this has been going on for weeks) and I connect the unit with the big white cable whilst holding the program button in. The lights flash as they should red/yellow/blue.I stop on red and blue. I then connect the 3 remaining cables larger white, smaller white and red. Press the program button twice and the red blue light flashes and never completes.IF I enter the key and turn the igntion on before pressing the progrsam button twice it DOES complete but then the truck cranks but does not start as it is still immobilsed. So have run out of ideas on this.

Secondly I bought a flash link and had it sent to Asia where I live and this is now showing "limit reached"??This is service l number 002504 07557 for Evo One module serial number 002B04 015151.

So can you help with the program problem and also reset my Flash Link. I am 12 hours ahead of Canada so "calling" cusstomer care from the other side of the world does not work.

Thanks for any help you can give
posté Jan 4, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par Simon Morris (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
I responded to your support request email.
répondu Jan 4, 2021 par derek g (357,580 points)
Sorry but where is the response? I cant seem to access it?
Was this resolved? I have the same truck with a very similar behavior.
When programming, after pressing the programming button 2x, the red and blue led flash non stop. This is normal...


Assuming you have a tundra with G stamped key, make sure to be using a master key and not a valet key to go through the rest of the programming.


Please open a new post with details of your exact car and issue and include the service number of the module. You can also send an email to or call 1-877-336-7797