Questions & Answers

Start air conditioning on remote start mazda 3 2021

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Hi, exist some option to start the air conditioned on the car with the remote start o the mazda 3 2021?
posté Mar 3 dans la catégorie Mazda par Juan Fernando Dorado (210 points)

2 Réponses

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I had a evo one with t-harness installed sn 002B04 237806

répondu Mar 3 par Juan Fernando Dorado (210 points)
0 votes

Yes, if you want the ac on simply turn it on before turning off the vehicle.

It should then be on when remote started.

Best regards.
répondu Mar 4 par derek g (347,230 points)


The accessories are not turning on during remote start, only the engine. Additionally, the AC does not turn on with the ignition. Furthermore, when I enter the vehicle and press the start button to move the car, it is not working, and a warning is displayed on the screen, something like "The start button is not functioning properly..." only when I press it.

In that case I would be taking a look at the ignition wire and start/stop connections.

If a t-harness was used i would unseat and inspect all pins and connectors to ensure nothing was bent or pushed back.


best regards.