Questions & Answers

2011 Ford E250, stuck on solid Red and Yellow Lights during EVO ONE programing procedure

+1 vote
I finished installing the EVO One on my 2011 Ford E250. Made sure that all the wire were connected correctly based on Guide # 86051. I also installed a relay switch for the parking light the same way as shown in the wiring diagram. I used Flashlink to install the lattest 71.57 Bypass firmware and 1.26 Remote starter firmware. I tried many different troubleshooting steps such as disabled A11 according to the guide and changing the programable output to 2.2 to match the wiring diagram. I also tried older version of firmware to no avail.

No matter what I do, it always gets stuck on solid Red and Yellow Lights during step 4 of the the programing procedure when the ignition is turned on. The car I have is regular key without transponder chip. I tried both the 2 keys and DCRYPTOR programing procidure but both has the solid Red and Yellow issue as soon as the ignition is turned on. Please let me know what I am doing wrong and how I can resolve this issue.
posté Jan 5 dans la catégorie Ford par Thi Nguyen (190 points)

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If the vehicle is not equipped with an immobilizer please follow the programming listed below:

répondu Jan 6 par derek g (358,430 points)
élue Jan 7 par Thi Nguyen
Works! Thank You
Glad that got it going for you!