Questions & Answers

Is the rf kit needed for 2014 ford escape stand alone install

+1 vote
I don't have an rf kit, the only stand alone install shows the rf kit install with it
posté Juil 22, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par Jeff Patton (440 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Hi Jeff,

We recommend using an RF-Kit because the factory remote does not work when the car is started. Therefore you would not be able to stop the truck or use keyless entry to get in the truck. This is by remote start or regular start.

The RF-Kit comes with an aftermarket remote which would allow keyless entry while the vehicle is started.
répondu Juil 22, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)
So is this not a true stand alone then. I thought the purpose if the stand alone was to only have 1 remote and not need 2.
It is a "true" stand alone because the EVO-ALL can be used by itself to start the car.

On the Ford Escape 2014 compatibility page, we do not list the 3x Lock Stand Alone feature for the vehicle because once the car is started (either by remote or with the key), the vehicle blocks out the OEM remote.  ::   

We supply an install guide though because many professional use this method of installation.
and..... there is also the fact that the we cannot detect the locks on the can-bus. So i'll correct myself and say starting the truck is also not possible on this vehicle with the oem remote. RF-Kit (or starter) required.
Am I correct that the eom remote will NOT start the car . So the rf is required. I wish the install sheet stated that . If it does please tell me where at. I was trying to have only one remote.

 It's not stated on the website that 3x Lock is functional. Under Optional Technology, it does say RF-Kits. We do list RF-Kit as Required Technology because some people may want to use a regular remote starter brain.


With Tharness: STAND ALONE EVO-ALL & THAR-FORD1 (T-Harness) & Ford Escape (2014) - with RF-KIT - Revision 20140214

First page top left corner "with RF-Kit only". Also on page 3 under parts required, are the three configurations possible when using an RF-KIT and EVO-ALL. (remote start, alarm, or both). The file name itself states "with RF-Kit"


Without Tharness: EVO-ALL with RF-KIT & Ford Escape (2014) - Revision 20140214

First page top left corner "with RF-Kit only". Also on page 2 under parts required, are the three configurations possible when using an RF-KIT and EVO-ALL. (remote start, alarm, or both). The file name itself states "with RF-Kit"


It's important to understand that Stand Alone just means the EVO-ALL can start a vehicle without the need of remote starter. 3X LOCK Remote Start means the EVO-ALL will be able to remote start from the factory remote because it can monitor the OEM remote through the vehicles Can-Bus.


Take a look at the Ford Edge 2014 as an example of a vehicle that DOES have 3x Lock Remote Starter as a built in function. That is what it would say when a vehicle is compatible with 3x Lock REmote Starter.


There is also a link on the main website that opens a page with all the vehicles covered by 3x Lock Remote Starter.


If you had the Titanium "Push-to-Start" series Ford Escape, 3x Lock remote start would actually be functional because we can detect the OEM remote through Can-Bus.

I understand all that, I guess  I thought since it is required to have the rf kit it would say that. I don't see any where that it says rf kit required to work as a stand alone. Just thought it would be straight forward than beating around the bush.
The confusion is understandable.
For now, I will remove the "Stand Alone" portion of the pdf file name.