Questions & Answers

manual transmission programming with evo all on ford fusion 2008 manual

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I update my evo all to 71.11 recommended by program and use connection 2 in guide but I'm not able to program for manual transmission because after I put the 12 volts at the ignition 1 wire the led stay red and never flash 10 x. I'm able to program with program 6 (one key) easily but the module doesn't manage hood status, brake status, hand brake status and trunk opening but the car start well with car remote and doors work fine.
posté Jan 4, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par mvaillan (130 points)

1 Réponse

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What's the remote starter you are using. Using 1 key programming or 2 key won't change anything to status or trunk opening.
répondu Jan 5, 2015 par mvaillan (85,210 points)
I use crime stopper RS4-G5 with datalink connected, I want to know what's the difference between automatic or transmission mode in Evo-All because actually when the car is started by remote the brake pedal doesn't cut off the remote starter and when I tried to program the remote for manual transmission I have a manual transmission program error.

I think I must wire the necessary wire for the remote starter  in manual transmission mode (tach, hand brake and door) directly.Can I use the output on connector A on Evo to connect these wires itnsteafd of connecting directly to each component.

technically if in datalink, those status outputs (tach etc...) will be through datalink as long as both remote starter and EVO have the right datalink protocols selected. You can completely ignore datalink in any case and just use the analog outputs of the EVO 20-pin connector.

Don't forget your vehicle is manual transmission and you must set the Crimestopper in Ready Mode (or might be called Reservation Mode) before each use. This procedure will be indicated in the Crimestopper user guide.

My first question was "I want to know what's the difference between automatic or transmission mode in Evo-All" do I need to program the EVO in manual tranmission mode if I setup the remote starter for manual transmission.

If I use analog outputs do I need to cut the datalink 2 wires because the remote starter need a true tach signal to work in manual transmission mode but lock unlock works perfectly with datalink.


Manual transmission absolutely requires that remote starter detect door trigger, tach, and hand brake status. You will not be programming anything into to EVO about manual or automatic mode. It's the remote starter taking care of that.

The EVO will read door status, tach and hand brake through the CAN-BUs connections. It will then send that info to the Crimestopper unit via datalink.
How can I check if the module receive signal from Can-bus connection.
First part of programming in guide ask to release on blue, turn ignition on and wait for blue led to flash. Have you done this step ?
yes, but actually if I start the car with remote and drive for 5 minutes the remote stay on and the car stay controlled by remote and the remote never detect that I drive the car because it seems didnn't see any signal from eVO ALL. Stange
Not strange, normal reaction for a remote starter that never see brake signal. Does the brake wire from your remote starter is connected to the black wire on the evoall ?
Yes but the remote keep the control of the car, I will connect directly to the brake switch because the remote need 12 volts to shut down.
I am just curious too know what color the can wires are on this car that you are connected too.

Also, testing that black wire output from the 20-pin connector with ignition on should also give you 12V when pressing the brake. Brake status always works and has always worked on these cars.

In any case, you can always wire the brake input of the remote starter directly to the vehicle.
I recheck carefully my connection the Gray wire is connected to gray/orange pin3 OBDII and the Gray/Black is connected to Violet/Orange pin 11 OBDII and the connections are good to 20 pin white connector. Connection 2 on your website.

I tested the black wire and there was no 12 volts when the key is on and the brake pedal pressed. the brake status don't work at all even if I connect the black wire to the wire for brake on the remote starter.

The lock unlock works fine via Can Bus.