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Radio Not Working after remote start

+1 vote
Nope, that doesn't make any sense to me.  I don't really understand how to let it learn, and what it means here.  I know what you mean, by settings everything up, like a default settings, so when I remote start, everything would be running at I last started.  But, I don't have an option in my car to disable the radio, that doesn't exist.  There is no way to screwed the functionnality of the radio manually.  Only thing that screw it up, is the remote start.

What I understand from you, is that the CAN-BUS is not related, cause all it does, is the same sequence as someone sitting in the car.  So, why is there a CAN-BUS connector on the unit then, I can remove this then...

Could you please explain the let it learn the settings while the EVO has the car started?  Cause the radio not working, is not a settings I can set.
posté Jan 13, 2015 dans la catégorie Infiniti par Jonathan Arseneau (220 points)

2 Réponses

+2 votes
Meilleure réponse
In the FX and EX models lots of installer prefer to remove the radio and screen to have an easier access to the start button to make a connection there. Was your radio removed in the installation ? Did you do the install yourself or an installer did ?

There is a ribbon cable between the front panel and the screen that is pretty cheap and very easy to damage when disconnecting, that would be the first thing I would verify.

The module actually read information from the CANBUS, it doesn't send information to it, I don't see a relation here.

Are you starting the car with 3x lock or you use an aftermarket remote ?
répondu Jan 14, 2015 par Robert T (85,210 points)
élue Jan 14, 2015 par Robert T
0 votes

Can bus is required for TACH, Foot Brake, Door Status, Hood Status etc...

Could you please explain the let it learn the settings while the EVO has the car started?  Cause the radio not working, is not a settings I can set.

Smart keys sometimes have key recognition to allow a user with key 1 have certain presets in the car while user with key 2 has other presets in the car (mostly used for seat position and the heating / ventilation etc...). The car itself would set presets according to which key is present.

répondu Jan 13, 2015 par Robert T (304,010 points)
O.K., it is pretty much what I understood.  I knew there were settings linked to the Smart Key, like seat positions, but like I mentionned, there is no such settings related to a broken radio.  The radio not sending any volume to the speakers is not a settings in there, so there is no way to set that to a key.

So the conclusion is that, there is definetly a problem with the remote start, and the only interaction made with the radio and the screen, is that they are all connected on the same CAN-BUS network.  So, if the remote start tries to communicate to the ECU, while the screen is booting, and it should be the screen priority to communicate to the radio, but can't because of the remote start, it might have missed a sequence here.

Only thing I can tell, is that I never had this issue before, it only start to happens after the remote start has been installed.

Sounds more like the amp is not turning on or the electric antenna since it's only the radio not working. Makes no sense that the radio turns on but no audio. Of the thousands of Nissan/Infiniti vehicles already done by professionals, dealers, and myself; this has never happened.

I'd start disconnecting things from the EVO that are not required to help pin point where the problem actually is.

  • parking light, lock and unlock. Those connections are not required for actual remote start. Disconnect them from the car and try that radio again.

but can't because of the remote start, it might have missed a sequence here.

Sequence is, key give codes, push brake, push start button. If sequence was wrong, car would not remote start.
