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2014 Tundra factory alarm goes off when opening door time to time

0 votes
I have 2014 Toyota Tundra with EVO-ONE w/ remote start working just fine. Also, factory alarm is enabled on the vehicle. Time to time, when I unlock the car with remote and open the door, factory alarm will go off. It is not every time but may be 1 out of 10 times. When the alarm goes off, I just click the unlock button again, it stops. Do you know what may cause this issue?
posté Nov 11, 2015 dans la catégorie Toyota par Sung Kim (350 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
I see you have the EVO-ONE setup for and remote start and alarm? It's possible that first unlock press was not detected by the EVO. You can only know this by looking at the blue LED on the module. It flashes 2 times on unlock press. You would need to be physically looking at the LED when the problem occurs to see if it saw that unlock signal. So if it happens often, it should be an easy test. If it does not happen often, it'll be a little harder for you to test.
répondu Nov 11, 2015 par Robert T (303,700 points)
I tested it just now. Lock will flash blue ligh once. Unlock will flash blue ligh twice. I tested multiple times (20 times) and no issue there. Alarm went off when I unlocked the door with remote and opened the driver side door to get in to test it out.
Need to know if that particular time you unlock the door and alarm goes off if the blue LED flashed on the module ? Probably easier to test while being seated in the car.
Alarm goes of very rarely. I was sitting in the driver seat looking at the module when I was testing. Of cource, it never goes off when you are testing. Well this is not a good way to diagnose the issue. I was hoping that someone already ran into this issue and resolved it. I am thinking that may be one of the wire is lose and help me narrow down. I did not use T-connector. I cut like 10 wires to install.
The "rarely happens" problems are always the harder to diagnose. From what I know this has never been seen before.
This problem most likely happens after the vehicle went into sleep mode. So if you want to test it, let the vehicle sit a few hours.
Good suggestion. I will try this out and let you know. I have to move EVO-ONE module so that it can be seen from outside when I click the remote after few hours. Thanks.
Alarm goes off when start vehicle in the morning
0 votes
I have this issue also. Randomly goes off but the horn doesn't honk the lights blink and I get a notification from the drone module that the door opened and triggered the alarm. I have to lock and unlock the car to get it to stop. I can put the key in the ignition and drive off like this. Seems that the tundras alarm is deactivated but the Evo didn't get the disarm signal.


Any ideas?
répondu Fev 15, 2016 par Ruben Dominguez (380 points)
I have the same issue on my 2016 Tundra. Has a solution for this been identified?
Disable option A11 - Hood Trigger i nthe bypass settings. Most Tundra do not have a factory hood switch and generates hood open codes on the Can-Bus because of this. The EVO will detect hood open and trigger it's own alarm if the alarm feature is enabled.
I have this problem and verfied that option A1 was disabled.  I still have this problem.  Also the horn on the OEM alarm won't blow when this problem happens.  The parking lights blink as if the alam is going off but no horn.  Also when engaging the panic button in drone the horn won't blow but the parking lights blink like the alarm is going off.
what is the service number to the evo one module?

turn on A1 and turn off A11...

Turn on option C1

Is this issue happening with just the drone or the oem remote or both?

Hey Derek,


Service number is 002b03046274


I will check A1 and A11 and C1 when I get back home.  Pretty sure it is set like you suggested.  The issue is only happening with Drone....i think.  I get the alarm going off with no horn (parking lights flashing).  OEM alarm is working fine and panic button on my oem remote is working fine also.

so your truck has an oem alarm but you also enabled the evo-alarm? So you have an alarm ontop of an alarm...

Try turning off the evo-alarm as it is not needed if you already have an oem alarm.

the reason the horn doesnt honk is likley because you didnt connect the wire from the evo to the horn so its not going to honk.

Its not the factory alarm going off its the evo and if you already have a factory alarm simply turn off the evo alarm option will solve your issue.
Hey Derek,

Ok I have ensured that A11 is off and C1 is turned on (A1 up above was a typo it was never turned off).  I have also selection on the remote starter side to just be a remote start.  I still have the drone setting off the alarm as above.  Is there somewhere else I need to disable the evo alarm
you need to change option 14 to option 14.1...just looked at the service number and its still enabled.

Once this is done the evo will not trigger as the alarm feature is turned off.
Ok so I finally got around to turning off the evo-one alarm.  It is now set to remote starter only.  This has indeed stopped the lights blinking but its brought on a much worse problem.  I don't get notifications from drone when my OEM alarm is triggered and when I remote start it from my key fob drone sends me an error message that says "Unsuccessful start: Ignition already on" but the truck is started.  

I am going to turn on the alarm for the evo again since I need to get alerts when my OEM alarm is going off.  

I think some updating to the firmware that controls drone needs to be made.  I would be happy to be the guinea pig for new firmware with the drone module.
Is their a shock sensor connected to the evo?

Also the evo is equipped with parking light flashes to tell you what zone was triggered. So once you dis arm the alarm count the parking light flashes as it is going to tell you what zone triggered your alarm.