Questions & Answers

2012 Focus options and prgramming LEDs regular install T harness Evo Fort1

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When using an Evo Fort1 on a 2012 Ford Focus with a Prostart CT-5472TW remote start alarm, what options do i need to check with the Flash Link and when programming, what LEDs flash when programming the Evo?
posté Jan 25, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Chris Alisauskas (130 points)

1 Réponse

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If using datalink, option F3-D2D needs to be enabled in the EVO and the Autostart needs to be set to Expresskit.


Programming LEDs will be indicated in the installation guide. There are two types of programming procedures available, 1-key programming and 2-key programming.
répondu Jan 25, 2016 par Robert T (303,700 points)
Thank you Robert

I will be using 2 keys - the guide you referenced is for the 2010-11. I will be using guide 32041 but what do the LEDs need to indicate when cycling the keys as the guide does not specify?
You are not worried about the Led's while cycling the keys as long as all your connections are correct. Concentrate on timming and be paying attention to the Led's at the end of cycling the keys.
Thank you