Questions & Answers

Can the Python 9856P RF kit be used with the Evo-One?

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I want to add a 2-way RF remote to the Evo One module.  I am looking at the Python 9856P RF  kit that includes the 2-way remote, a 1-way companion remote and a 2-way antena/transceiver.  The Python RF kit is used with teh Directed 4X10 or 5X10. Will this work with the Evo One?  What other equipment is needed?
posté Mar 22, 2016 dans la catégorie Toyota par Erick Trove (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
You would first want to confirm that those remotes are compatible with the DEI XL202 because you would need that module to use directed remotes with an Evo-One. Also you would need the flash link updater 2 to enable the proper options within the module.
répondu Mar 22, 2016 par derek g (357,530 points)