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ABS and traction control problem since installing EVOALL

+1 vote
Installed the EVOALL in my 2010 Mustang GT today.  Unit would program but wouldn't remoted start. Blue light flashes when lock button is depressed.  Drove car and found the tranction control light would flash intermittently and the front ABS would start to engage on acceleration.  Completely removed the EVOALL from the vehicle and disconnected car battery for 15 minutes.  Traction control light still on at times and ABS is still activating on it's own, car is now not driveable.  Any ideas on what could have happened before I have it towed to dealership for diagnosis?
posté Mar 27, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Jake Morton (140 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote

Most likely something silly like a wrong connection, a pinched wire or a loose connector. I can only give some suggestions of what too look into.


Aside from the T-harness there is can-hi and can-lo (which i would think is fine since the unit programmed) and then there is the driver door pin and the parking lights you would want to look at.


That driver door pin is purple/green. Ford likes to put purple/green (or purple/something) on 80% of their circuits. Right now, my money is on this connection being on the wrong wire. Ideally this should all be tested with a meter or logic probe. 


Not sure how you tested it, but when removing the evo, also remove the t-harness and put back the factory harness in it's place. 


I would just call us though as it might be simpler to help you out this way; we're open from 8am EST. 1-877-336-7797. Have a testing tool ready. And just to be sure you had the proper installation guide, I'll assume you installed this for the 3xlock start feature, make sure you followed the programming of the unit written in this guide:  Stand Alone Installation with T-harness for Automatic Transmission only

Unit would program but wouldn't remoted start. Blue light flashes when lock button is depressed. 

This is due to something else. I don't currently see any options enabled via the service number you gave. If using the 3xlock start feature, options C1 and D1 need to be enabled in the unit. Need to get the vehicle back up and running normally before dealing with this though. 

répondu Mar 28, 2016 par Robert T (304,260 points)
+1 vote
Most fords will exhibit ABS, BRAKE, and other fault symptoms if there is a loss of network communications to some modules.


This often occurs if you accidentally damage CAN wires.


However usually the ABS is just off, and will not engage on its own. ABS needs to see certain things in order to engage, such as a brake pedal input, wheel speed sensor inputs and more. Make sure that your brake lights are working properly. If the car sees a brake input it thinks you are trying to slow down, but it may interperet accelleration as wheel slip and try to engage ABS. Bad brake light switch can cause similar concerns.


Basically double check your CAN connections and make sure nothing is damaged. I havent done one of those mustangs in a long time, so I dont remember how its laid out.
répondu Avr 4, 2016 par JEREMY JOHNSON (1,820 points)