Questions & Answers

cranks on first try but doesnt start second try starts

0 votes
hit car starter everything comes on and cranks car starter shuts down then tries again and starts using an evo all to the highest software using rs4g5 car starter its has to be a software issue wiring is good its 2016 toyota corolla key type
posté Juin 8, 2016 dans la catégorie Toyota par steve m (1,340 points)

3 Réponses

+1 vote
Do not program your remote starter to unlock before start and relock after start.
répondu Juin 8, 2016 par J M (85,210 points)
0 votes
Please try following test,


locate dark blue wire on evo all, (GWR) connect this wire directy to ground (red led will turn on) after 1-2 seconds, remote start vehicle, if vehicle starts well this way, try wiring in disarm with the GWR from remote starter to give the evo all a headstart.


please provide service number on evo unit so we can check options and firmware version.


Thank you
répondu Juin 8, 2016 par J M (64,060 points)
0 votes
still cranks on first try and second try starts this is when vehicle sits for 5mins or more car starter lock and unlock is turned off and hooked up gwr wire its got to be a timing of the bypass for the key code
répondu Oct 5, 2016 par steve m (1,340 points)
What's the service number written on the module ?