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EVO-All No Tach Output to Soundstream ARS.2 Remote Starter- Tach Lock Out

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Vehicle- 2014 Subaru Impreza

Bypass- EVO- All

Remote Starter- Soundstream ARS.2

Programming/ Decryptor went ok after updating firmware on bypass and FlashLink. Following install guide, Options C1 and D5 were enabled as well as defaults A1-A11. Options B1 (Convenience) and B2 for the Aftermarket RS Kit

All wiring done and verified per Install Guide 35011 Rev.- 21061209

The problem I am having is that the vehicle will key start but not Remote Start. The onboard Diagnostics of the Soundstream states that it is in Tach Lock Out due to not having a Tach signal. Is this a Fortin problem (wiring or programming) or is this a Soundstream problem?

UPDATE 1 I realized after submitting this question that I never actually flashed the settings into the EVO-All. After completing this step, I was able to get it to attempt to start but then the 2 way transmitter output the Tach Lock Out error again. I went through the Troubleshooter Guide and saw a bit about Starter 1 & Starter 2 and Ignition 1 & Ignition 2 being required. Here is where I run into another issue. The Remote Starter has Starter 1 and Ignition 1 but has a Selectable Output for either Igniton 2 or Starter 2. It is currently wired up and set as Ignition 2. Could this be my issue? Do I need to rewire and set this output as Starter 2? When attempting to remote start, I do have 12 Volts coming out of the RS Module and going into the Black/ White Starter Activation circuit but it does not crank.


UPDATE 2: My issues seems to be coming from a lack of a Tachometer signal. When the RS is programmed in Tachless Mode or Hybrid 2 Mode, it will go through the motions of starting without actually cranking. No faults will output as the Fortin and RS think the vehicle started and is running without problem. Now my question is this- Why does the Installation Guide tell me to hook up the Evo All Tach Output wire to the RS Tach Input wire if no signal is being sent?

I am going to W2W the Tach Input wire from the RS to an ignition coil or fuel injector tomorrow. I will make sure to post the results and/ or the fix as soon as I figure out what the problem is. I am only hoping that I can help any customers there were left hanging when requesting Tech Support and not getting a response.
fermer avec la note: Vehicle fixed and Remote Starter is fully operational
posté Jan 2, 2017 dans la catégorie Subaru par Alex Mangano (210 points)
fermé Jan 6, 2017 par Alex Mangano

1 Réponse

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The unit is currently in stand alone. This should not be enabled as the outputs are not the same when in stand alone...Turn off D1 and re test.
répondu Jan 4, 2017 par derek g (358,230 points)
I have done that and retested and still get nothing. I have not had the chance to check Tach output voltage from the Evo All yet due to being busy at work. I really am thinking that W2W for the tach is needed.
Turn off supported rf kits....this should also not be on...and ensure you are choosing the correct protocol for your remote starter...
Done, but now it acts like it is going to start again but nothing happens. I am getting 12 Volts from RS to Switch on BL/WHT @ Ignition and my GWR is working properly but nothing is happening
The RS only had Starter 1 and Ignition 1 but had a Flex Relay selectable for either Starter 2 or Ignition 2. All I did was wire in a DEI 610T 40/30 Amp relay in to split RS Starter 1 into Vehicle Starter 1 and Starter 2. I left the Flex Relay as Ignition 2.

Relay wired as follows:

30(Common)- Fused (30A) 12 Volt Constant

85(Ground Trigger)- RS Negative Starter Output (2nd Ground When Running)

86 (Voltage Trigger)- RS Starter 1 Output (To Vehicle)

87(Normaly Open)- RS Starter 2 Output (To Vehicle)

87a (Normaly Closed)- Not Used


Hope this helps anyone in the Future!!!
Sounds about has 2 starters, 2 ignitions and 1 accessory that need to be powered for remote start...So if you weren't powering them properly it would give you an issue!

Glad you got it figured out !
Yes and thank you for steering me in the right direction. I am a Certified Toyota Tech wiht 12 years professional experience and this was my first Remote Start install for a buddy of mine. I had a hard time pulling my head out of my rear and thinking with logic!