Questions & Answers

2017 Dodge Journey with EVO CHRT6 install not working

0 votes
Devive: EVO CHRT6 included
EVO ALL Service # 001A06220014
HW: 6
FW: 4.18 Updated to 7.32 via Flashlink updater2 Manager version 3.62
Tried to install into 2017 Dodge Journey push start button. 
Followed guide# 12211  Rev 20160914  stand alone
connector A:
A1 Yellow to Pink/white (Starter wire)
A10 Blue to Lt Blue /Black T-Harness
A18 Green/Red to Parking light White/Brown
A20 Light Blue to Lt Blue T-Harness
A8 Hood Pin  . . Not connect yet
A15 Pink/Black . . Not connect yet. Too hard to reach ( Is this caused Problem ? )
 Connector C:
C4 Gray/Black to CAN LOW
C5 Gray to CAN HIGHT
Follow Programming on page 5/9 of the installation guide . .
On step 6 with the key fob without battery placed close to start/Stop button. Press start/Stop button twice as required but the button light Not change to ACC or ON the Ignition at all. Also the yellow light on the remote Starter not change at all.
I tried to reprogramming from step 1 down again and sitll got the same issue on step 6
Repeat again with key fob battery placed on at step 6, the light Start/Stop button changed from OFF to ON ignition, But the yellow light from remote starter not change . . .
Would you please look thru and Help me to solve this programming issue.
Thank you,
Minh Le
posté Nov 5, 2017 dans la catégorie Dodge par MINH LE (160 points)

2 Réponses

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"A1 Yellow to Pink/white (Starter wire)" this would be wrong, yellow A1 should go to ignition not starter. 


"On step 6 with the key fob without battery placed close to start/Stop button. Press start/Stop button twice as required but the button light Not change to ACC or ON the Ignition at all."


you are holding the remote in the wrong spot, when the vehicle detects the remote the ACC and IGN will turn on. 

répondu Nov 6, 2017 par derek g (358,800 points)
Yes from factory you should be able to start the vehicle this way. If you have a second keyfob, you can try with the second one. If it still doesn't work, either your remotes are not programmed, or the push-button of the vehicle is defect.

Think about it, right now if your battery inside the remote goes dead, you can not start the vehicle anymore. This has to be fixed by dealership before the EVOALL can be programmed to the vehicle.
Thank you so much for your information . . I will stop to the dealer soon to fix this issue. This is what I haven't known about. Good thing, we found out while tried to program the EVO remote start.

Will come back to post the result.


Hello Matheu,

3 days ago, After chatting to you about the key-fob without battery. I searched on google and found a great instruction that sugested that with a dead/without battery key-fob. hold the key-fob from the key-ring side, and use the key-fob press the start/stop button on the lock/unlock side of key-fob.

I came home and check that procedure with my car and it started as well. This is a great intruction and a very helpfull I just discovered about the key-fob. . .,

Now, go back to my EVO programming, at

step#6: Use key-fob press twice in Start/stop button, the light from start/stop button changed from off to ACC and RUN (  Car no sranking). and EVO light  yellow turn to OFF, Red turn ON

step 7: Press start/stop button one. Light from start/stop button change from run to OFF

step 9: use key/fob ( still no battery )  press start/stop button once turn on ACC. EVO Red light remains ON and Blue light turn ON and then both Red and Blue lights turn OFF . . ? ? ?

Don't know what wrong at this step. . I tried to reprogram a few times but still same result at step 9. Tried to down grade EVO to version 7.30 and still the sane result at step 9. Please look on this issue and help.

Thank you,

Minh Le

EVO ALL Service # 001A06220014
HW: 6
FW: 4.18 Updated to 7.32 via Flashlink updater2 Manager version 3.62
Tried to install into 2017 Dodge Journey push start button. 
Followed guide# 12211  Rev 20160914  stand alone
connector A:
A1 Yellow to Pink/white (Ignition wire)
A10 Blue to Lt Blue /Black T-Harness
A18 Green/Red to Parking light White/Brown
A20 Light Blue to Lt Blue T-Harness
A8 Hood Pin  . . Not connect yet
A15 Pink/Black Connected to Door pin
 Connector C:
C4 Gray/Black to CAN LOW
C5 Gray to CAN HIGHT
Follow the instruction guide for programming the EVO good to 
step 9: use key/fob ( still no battery )  press start/stop button once turn on ACC. EVO Red light remains ON and Blue light turn ON and then both Red and Blue lights turn OFF . . ? ? ?
Don't know what wrong at this step. . I tried to reprogram a few times but still same result at step 9. Tried to down grade EVO to version 7.30 and still the sane result at step 9. 
Fortin Techs support Please look on this issue to see what caused .
Thank you for your helps,
The above question sent out for a wekk without any help. Fortin Technical support please look on and advice

Thanks in advance
0 votes
Im having an issue with my 2017 Jounrey as well. I've got it all wired up with the exception of the RAP wire, because lack of wire length and location ( not sure if that's my issue even though I disabled it in the settings). I went through the whole programming process with no problems. I then went through the decryption process Said it was all set. Reconnected it in the vehicle ( door open or door closed ) I hit the lock 3 times and the blue light flashes with each press of the lock button, but the vehicle won't start.
répondu Fev 15, 2018 par Trevor Crocker (180 points)
service number to the module please.
Service #- 001A06 777817
Turn on option 1.10, click save options, then re test.
Works! Thanks!  I looked through the opions yesterday too. I was getting frustrated maybe that's how I missed it.

     Now with the RAP disabled and no door pin wire connected will the radio just time out like factory? I'm asking because I put an Evo in my 2017 Ram last summer and I connected the door pin and if I 3X the lock to shut off the starter the radio shuts right off. But if it will time out I wont worry about it.
Yes the radio will time out after i believe 10-15 can time it yourself if you want to know the exact number.


Glad you got it working.
Thanks alot! I was so frustrated because I was certian I was doing it right! And the fact it's my wifes vehicle, so I couldn't send her to work with all the wires hanging out and half the dash missing.
So on my way home from work I noticed the check engine light is on. Anyway you can help me out with that?