Questions & Answers

EVO-ALL Started One Time, Will Not Start Again - Toyota Camry Hybrid PTS

0 votes
I recently installed an EVO-ALL in a 2014 Toyota Camry Hybrid PTS, also with a rf-kit. When programming, blue led comes on, push the start button twice to turn vehicle to on status, blue led goes out, red led starts flashing. Guide states that blue led should start flashing.

However, just incase it was a typo, I tested the remote start and it worked just fine by starting the car from the OEM fob. After shutting down the vehicle once, it will not remote start anymore.

Looking at the module, when trying to remote start, I see the blue led will flash, the red led go solid and then blue stops flashing, then after a 10 seconds the red led will go off, then flash 4 times.


FW: 79.43 Options Enabled: C1, D1, D1.6, D2, H2, D4 for Hybrid
posté Jan 24, 2018 dans la catégorie Toyota par Curtis Lewis (130 points)
re-catégorisée Jan 24, 2018 par Curtis Lewis

1 Réponse

0 votes
Master reset the module:


Then re program it.

Then re test.
répondu Jan 25, 2018 par derek g (336,040 points)