Questions & Answers

Remote Start does not turn on Ignition.

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Service No. 002504 051041

EVO-ALL marked GMT1 on box from an Amizon Seller.. Firmware 70.30. First 10 steps in instructions worked perfectly. It didn't turn on the ignition. I got a Flash-Link-4 and tried to flash the module. I wouldn't flash. It was suppose to be already flashed from the seller. So I did a dycripter process. The message on the EVO-ALL says DECRYPTOR HAS FINISHED PROCESSING THE DATA. THE MODULE HAS BEEN UPDATED AND IT IS READY FOR USE. Now the module recognizes Remote button push but still no ignition. Any Ideas?
posté Mar 2, 2018 dans la catégorie GMC par Thomas Murray (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
That is the wrong service number, the one you provided is for the Flashlink Updater, we need the one on the actual module itself.

Year, make and model of the vehicle and the guide number that was followed will help us help you figure this issue.

Thank you,
répondu Mar 2, 2018 par J M (64,070 points)