Questions & Answers

hood trigger and constant horn

0 votes
hooked up my evo all.  with hood trigger, valet, and proximity sensor.  I am using my horn as the alarm and hooked up the relay.  everything works fine when triggered.

except when i tested the hood trigger the horn honked once then did a continuous horn.  it would not shut off with any of the buttons on the key.  i had to disconnect the evo-all to shut it off.

i connected the hood pin  to the dk blue trigger.

what could be the issue
fermer avec la note: Issue: Bad Ground Wire.
posté Juil 2, 2018 dans la catégorie Jeep par david smith2 (160 points)
fermé Juil 5, 2018 par derek g

1 Réponse

0 votes
Whats the service number? Check option G1. On is for Horn output (pulsed) , Off is for a siren output (latched)
répondu Juil 3, 2018 par Robert T2 (299,010 points)
have it set correctly.  when the proximity sensor is set off the horn pulses.  Its only the hood trigger that is not working correctly.  just a blaring horn that won't shut off until i disconnect the unit