Questions & Answers

Why won't my starter crank over on a 2012 Kia Sorento?

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I have programming the unit and it will not crank. I have reset the valet button and it still won't start? The Valet LED will flash red rapidly then down to a slow pulse flash.
fermer avec la note: client trying to use 3x lock oem remote start. Not supported on this vehicle.
posté Sept 23, 2019 dans la catégorie Kia par Stefano (210 points)
fermé Sept 23, 2019 par derek g

1 Réponse

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Is the yellow loop cut?

What is the service number to the module?
répondu Sept 23, 2019 par derek g (357,930 points)
élue Sept 23, 2019 par derek g
Yes I have cut the yellow wire and double checked all my wiring.

The service number is : 002B04 029160.

When I push the OEM remote the I do get the blue LED to flash but then it seems to go back into " Valet" mode?

Another thing I forgot to mention when I hook the module up to my flash link it only downloads up to 85%? Not sure if that would have anything to do with it....
I just have to say I couldn't be more pleased with the customer service that I received by all Technicians when I called in. I would to give a special thank you to Derek for all his patients he had with me today. He took the time to go through everything with me on the the phone to "trouble shoot" and was very professional. At the end of it Derek figured out why my Kia wouldn't start. I must admit it was due to me not cutting a certain wire. WORKS AMAZING THANKS AGAIN DEREK!
No problem. Glad all is working.