Questions & Answers

What is data link?

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2006 silverado 1500, using crimstopper ps04-g5 remote start. I do not understand the connection. I got all the ignition wires done, it was connected to the OBD2, grounded. I had power to both the remote start and the bypass module however it still did not work, instead it blew my ignition!


using INT-SL+ bypass. the intructions I recieved from the amazon seller said 


Remote start power harness: Pre-wired to plug directly into the ignition wires in
your car using the quick connects supplied with the kit.
Remote start 12-pin harness: You will only use the ground (black) wire and the
grey wire. The rest are not used.
Remote start 3-wire door lock harness: Not used
INTSL 4-pin harness: This will plug in to the remote start
INTSL 14-pin harness: You will only use the pink and purple wires. 
Was i suppose to use more?
asked Jan 8, 2015 in Chevrolet by william lamontagne (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
datalink is just a communication between remote starter and bypass module. it reduces the amount of analog connections between the remote starter and bypass module.

If you blew a ignition fuse, i'd start checking where the connections are made for the remote starter. Might be possible that while doing connections, you had accidentally shorted the 12v somewhere.
answered Jan 8, 2015 by Robert T (305,380 points)