Questions & Answers

Can a Directed 9474T Universal remote kit be used with EVO-ALL

+1 vote
I have an EVO-ALL installed currently in a 2005 Chrystler 300 using OEM 3X for remote start.  I have a DIrected 9474T remote kit and want to use that instead of the OEM remote.  Will it work and how would I connect it to the EVO-ALL. (and what programming changes for the EVO-ALL would have to be made.)
asked Mar 2, 2015 in FAQ by Jim (850 points)
edited Mar 3, 2015 by Jim

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

As long as that 9474T kit is comaptible with the DEI XL202 RF to Data interface, it will be compatible.

A setup guide for the options can be found here : EVO-ALL & XL202

answered Mar 2, 2015 by Robert T (304,260 points)
selected Mar 4, 2015 by Jim
I saw that but this is different.  This kit is a key fob with an associated antenna.  There is no module that the antenna wires connect to.  There are three wires coming out of the antenna - Green, Red, Black.
The DEI antenna kits need to go through the RF to data converter in order to work with any interface module.

 Antenna plugs into the rf-converter (xl202) which plugs into the interface module (evo-all i nthis case). The XL202 is normally sold separately but you need to first find out if 9474T is compatible with the XL202.

 (the evo-all pairs with the XL202, not the antennas)
Looks like I am out of luck on this one.  Will try another RF Kit.

Crimestopper RF-KITs come with all the necessary pieces.


Ultrastart AST Atom also has all the necessary parts.
