Questions & Answers

2015 Tundra cannot get the FX44 keyfobs to work

0 votes
OEM keyfob remote start works but cannot get the FX44 keyfobs to work.  actually cannot even get the LED on the antenna to come on.
asked Jul 11, 2016 in Toyota by Jason Stoops (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Try cycling the module in and out of valet mode....

Also ensure that the blue antenna plug is plugged into the small blue port on the evo-one.
answered Jul 11, 2016 by derek g (357,530 points)

Here is the procedure

a valet switch did not come with my EVO- One
I would suggest contacting where it was purchased as it should have come with a valet switch. Their is no way to program the remotes without this.
i fiqured it out.  started messing with the fm antenna.  the LED finally came on and then would go out.  looks like it is bad.  i'll have to see if they will replace it.  thanks
The antenna is not defective, you need the valet switch to program the remotes.
The antenna is not defective, when it is plugged in its supposed to turn on and then shut off.

Looking at your service number their is another way you can try to program remotes which is as follows:

1- Ignition ON then OFF then Back ON

2- Press and release the brake pedal 4 times (at this point the blue led on the antenna should start flashing rapidly).

3- Hit the (-) followed by the lock button, the remotes will blink the green led to confirmed they learned.