Questions & Answers

Radio and dome light come on when unlocking

0 votes
2009 F150 with EVO-ALL and Encore E-5 remote start using the datalink protocol F2.  When the truck is not started and I press the unlock on the E-5 remote, the radio and dome light come on. How do stop this from happening. Other than this issue, everything seems fine.
asked Dec 20, 2016 in Ford by Doug Campbell (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
What you are seeing is actually normal for any Ford.

If the vehicle is equipped with a factory alarm, the only way to disarm it via any aftermarket remotes is to have ignition and transponder pop on with unlock.


If you do not have a factory alarm, turning off option A5 in the EVO-ALL should prevent it from pulsing ignition with unlock.
answered Dec 20, 2016 by Robert T (305,430 points)