Questions & Answers

Evo-One plus Viper remote start?

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Okay, ive noticed that the only way to get status feedback is to use a Viper remote start while using a smartstart system.  My question is this.

Ive got an Evo-One, can i add a viper remote start with smart start? or would I need to swap out the evo-one for an evo-all?
asked Aug 18, 2017 in Subaru by Jeffrey Lance (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, you cannot piggyback another remote starter on top of an existing remotestarter (aftermarket) you will need a regular evo-all if you want to connect a smartstart to a viper remotestarter.


Thank you,
answered Aug 18, 2017 by J M (64,270 points)
okay, I'll get an evo-all ordered.  another question, ive got a viper 4706 lying around, will the evo-all and the viper talk to each other via D2D or will i need to go with W2W?
As long as the evo can send the statuses you need  to the viper remote starter, then  the rs will be the one communicating with the smartstart for your feedback.


I would try it first in D2D (option F3 to ON)
So ive got an older DEI 4x06 that i would like to pair with the evo-all.  The 4x06 has multiple 12 volt inputs, and the evo-all wiring instructions are not quite clear as to what needs to be hooked up on the remote starter.  Can you give me some help?
EVO-ALL guide will only reference that 12v needs to be connected to the starter.

Follow whatever it says in the DEI install guide for main power. They have multiple 12v inputs for their extra relays that power up 2nd igniitons/start and accessories when needed.
thanks for all the help.

One more questions, I know there are multiple places to pick up many of the wires need on the Car side.  That being said, do you know of any other place to grab the Parking light wire?  I really dont want to pull the air bag and steering wheel just to get to the light switch.

all wiring resources are pointing to the actual parking light connector for the (-) parking lights.  Although, yes, it should be definitly going somewhere else. No idea where though. Is the harness easy to follow?


The blue connector on the top left front corner of the fuse box has the (+) parking lights (black/green wire). You can go there but since it's positive you would to reverse the polarity on the EVO. This is probably more work along with extra cost (relay needed). 

Removing airbag and steering ?!?!? The connector is right behind the parking light arm, super easy to get...
I understand the connector is right behind the parking light arm, its the casing around the arm and steering wheel that i can not figure out how to remove so that i can access the connector.
Most steering column covers are held in by bottom screws then both halves are clipped together, there are tricks to separate them without breaking any of the clips, they cannot be simply pulled apart at the seam, this will guarantee break all the clips.


Unfortunately there is no way to describe on how to figure out how these pieces are clipped together. One way is to look from the open end with a flashlight and look on how the clips are designed and analyze on hoiw to safely unclip them. OR see a professional shop/installer to have them unclip it for you.
should be something similar to step 6 on page 3 in this pdf;


This video also shows how, not your specific car but it's very similar