Questions & Answers

key sound when the 6 pin is plug without key in ignitiion

0 votes
Hi guys, I made all of my connection try to make the config and the decryption when everything was fin i re plug my 6 pin connector and the little bell in the car start for advise the key is in ignition if i continue to plug the oters connector that didn<t stop do you have any idea?

Chevy impala 2009 police package.

Evo-one install
asked Aug 25, 2017 in Chevrolet by MArc Lambert (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Does the dashboard light up when you connect the 6 pin connector? Please provide the guide number and service number of the evo module.


Does the vehicle have an immobilizer system since it's a police package?


Thank you,
answered Aug 25, 2017 by J M (64,170 points)
the only thing appear in the dash is PRND321 that it.

starter: 7.1.20

Evo all:2.4.8

Service no:002B0 7I66084

no the vehicule doesnt have an immobilizer already

guide 59291
Have you connected the pink ignition wire from the evo-one?
everything is plug as the plan
So you did connect the pink ignition wire?
the pink from the chevy to the pink and yellow from the evo
Yesbi did
Was this connection made before programming the module?
no sound just nothing
car make the sound and refuse to start^