Questions & Answers

Evo One w/T-Harness installed on 2014 Ford Mustang

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I purchased an Evo One with T-Harness for my fiance's 2014 Ford Mustang with automatic transmission.   We took it to a recommended installer.   After they installed it, they informed us that the 3x lock remote start did not work.   They blamed it on the key and said the key was an after market key and does not synch with the Evo-One system.   There is no response from the Mustang - flashing brake lights or sounds - when you attempt a 3x lock.

We took it to another installer and after looking at it - they said the whole Evo One system would need to be taken out and sent back to Fortin to have it flashed.

Based on these two responses, I believe these installers are not familiar with the Evo products and simply want to lead folks to purchase their products which they are familiar with.

Typically, I have done a lot of my own work to my cars for years.   However, since this was my fiance's car and it is winter - I figured it was best to take it to an installer.  Now - I'm digging through your guides and learning about your products - I have some questions.

1. Any immediate thoughts to the installer comments?

2. My fiance only has 1 key for her Mustang.   In your procedures, do you require 2 keys for programming?   Or - can the system be programmed with one key?

3. In the packaging that was returned to us after the 1st installer, I noticed that the hood pin was still in the box.   Is the hood pin absolutely required for the system to operate correctly?

4. Can the system be programed without the Flash Link Updater?  Per your installation guides, it seems that the system can be programmed either by using the OEM keys - or - with the Flash Link Updater/Dycryptor Technology.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated.   Thank you!
asked Feb 13, 2018 in Ford by Darryl Evans (130 points)

1 Answer

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1. The Evo-One can be used with the OEM remotes 3xlock to start as long as it was set up properly using the Flashlink Updater-2, (Function 38 to mode 2 and Option C1 to ON)


2. You can program the Evo-Module if you only have 1 key BUT it will also require the Flashlink Updater-2 to be able to do the Dcryptor process (key cloning) and a Windows based PC running the Flashlink Manager software.


3. If the vehicle is equipped with an OEM hoodpin and we can detect it on the vehicle's CanBus system, there is no need to install the aftermarket hoodpin.


4. The Flashlink Updater-2 is an essential tool to have for anyone installing Fortin products, if you are looking for an installer, best thing to do would be to call ahead of time and ask them to ask if they are familiar with installing Fortin modules and if they have a Flashlink Updater in house.


Please send us the 12 digit service number on the bottom of the actual module so we can take a look on how the module is set up.


Thank you,
answered Feb 13, 2018 by J M (64,270 points)