Questions & Answers

Will any of these products work with OEM remote starter already installed

0 votes

I have a 14 Ram 1500, which already has a factory installed remote starter. I'm looking to switch over to Fortin, and use a MyCar RFLink. Can you suggest which product/products i could use to make this work.


asked Oct 25, 2019 in Ram by Jesse Lockridge (190 points)
edited Oct 25, 2019 by Jesse Lockridge

1 Answer

+1 vote

EVO-CHRT6 which is an EVO-ALL packaged with the THAR-CHR6 harness.


Flash Link Updater programming tool required for module set up and key learning! 

answered Oct 25, 2019 by Robert T (305,380 points)
Awesome! Thanks for the reply Robb!

I forgot to mention that it is Push-Button start, will this still work?

I'm also a little confused as to which insturctions to use, the stand-alone or the regular installation.

Thanks you!

it's actually the same for the push button models.


this is the guide for the evo:


only thing that would really change is if it's a manual transmission. 



Awesome Thansk Robb!