Questions & Answers

Where to install remote starter antenna? Under rear view mirror/camera?

0 votes

I have a 2018 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid and I've successfully installed the EVO-ONE and it works perfect.  I'm now adding an RFK912 RF kit.


Where is the best place to install the antenna?


Usually it's placed at the center of the windshield behind the rear view mirror, but the RAV4 has a camera/radar box there.  Can I safely remove the box and install the antenna inside it?  Should I place the antenna outside (and next to) the box?


Also, is it easy to remove the rubber around the door frame to route the antenna wire from the main ECU area (where the remote starter is) up to the rear view mirror area?


Thanks for any help!

asked Dec 4, 2019 in Toyota by John Klimek (460 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Really up to you where you stick in on the windshield. On my base 2018 Encore i stuck in back where the sensors normally are on the windshield since the plastic is there anyway without the sensors.


only real advice to give is, at least 3 inches from the the metal leg of the visor. Messing around with the box with sensors can cause them to loose calibration.


You can normally pull on those rubbers.
answered Dec 4, 2019 by Robert T (305,380 points)
Hey Robb, thanks for the info.  Can you explain what you mean by 'in back where the sensors normally are on the windshield' ?

I agree with being hesistant about messing with the sensor box.  I definitely don't want to mess up any safety features of the car.

 'in back where the sensors normally are on the windshield' ?

Was only referencing my own car. It's a base model with no sensors in the windshield. Buick was nice enough to still put the cover that normally goes there so i hid the antenna in it.


Ahhh, that worked out very well for you then.  Thanks for the information.  I suppose I'll have to place the antenna to the side of the sensor box.

Are there any typical concerns about running the antenna wire up the A-pillar even if a side airbag is installed?
Air bag will just rip right through it in the unfortunate event of an accident. But, if the pillar is fully taken out, you can route the wire properly