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Honda civic 06 EX standard Key. Car then remote started. OEM remote unlock is not working.

+1 vote
Honda civic 06 EX standard Key.

Installed EVO One (updated with latest firmware1.24 aka 0.60, Hardware rev 4). D2 is off.

Wiring is according to the installation manual using Tharness Hon1, Rev 1.

Car remote startedusing 3x oem lock press. 3x lock stops the engine and then it unlocks the driver door.

If i remote start and then press unlock on OEM remote, it blinks the parking lights but will not unlock the door which is an issue.

I did connect the lock unlock wires on driver boot side clip. Also Tharness yellow wire is cut for IMMO + connections

SN 002B04 044514
asked Dec 4, 2019 in Honda by Taimoor Jilani (140 points)
edited Dec 4, 2019 by Taimoor Jilani

1 Answer

0 votes
remote start with 3x lock.

Let it run and tell me if it unlocks by itself after 1-2-3 minutes.
answered Dec 5, 2019 by Robert T (305,380 points)
one more question, which EVO One wire can i use to tap the defroster. So i can run it remotely through EVO Start app.
Yellow/Black if you're not already using it.


Option 25 will allow different options for either pulse or latch.

On top of that, if you then enable option 39.2, it will automatically trigger the AUX (yellow/black), once temperature is colder than 5C.

Update. EVO One manual needs an update where the Driver boot plug for lock unlock needs to be clearly identified. There are two plugs with same color and type of wires. The lock unlock is behing the fuse panel.

I was hooking up to the wrong connector. I used the right connector and it started to work.

Once again Thank you for your help Robb.

I did hook up the wire for defroster. I am not sure if it is Pulse or Latch. Any recommendation which option to enable for option 25?

Thank you.

I did hook up the wire for defroster. I am not sure if it is Pulse or Latch. Any recommendation which option to enable for option 25?

Ideally, test the wire. This will answer that question of it's pulse or latch. 


For the door locks, i'll report. 

Keep in mind, there's a pic in the guide (and on wirecolor) and it says driver door boot.

Thanks Rob. Yes there is a picture in the manual but the zoom in pointer is at the wrong location. It needs to be upward so it is behind the fuse box.

The other issue i am having is that the OEM remote unlock works but the lock wont work. I tested the green wire and it does engage the locks. But once remote started, after unlocking it wont lock.