Questions & Answers

Flashlink manager won't detect device?

0 votes
Everything hooked up properly, vehicle key info pulled, slow blue flash, plug it into my comp and nothing happens. Just says the PC is unable to detect the flashlink updater through USB port.
asked Jan 10, 2020 in Chrysler by jordan clemente (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
windows 7 by any chance? if so, run all your windows updates.
answered Jan 10, 2020 by Robert T (304,910 points)

I am having the same problem with the serial #001a07075674.  When I plug in the module, it disconnected the flash updater.

I got it working. turns out the flashlight module was faulty so they sent me a new one and the vehicle remote starts I have a new problem now. I have a check engine light that reads code u0121 4 ABS module not communicating with computer can bus. While driving down the road the lights will turn off and then back on. Sometimes when I open the door the cab lights won't turn on
Flash version 74.18 or 74.22. Enable 20 second crank, option D1.11. Reprogram the module.  This will take care of the bas code.


You need to be in pro mode to do specific flashes, so click on the gear icon in the top right then choose go to Pro mode.