Questions & Answers

Eco Start 2 Not Working After Throttle Change

0 votes
Hello, I got my throttle body changed on a 2012 Volkswagen Jetta. After that the Evo Start 2 had a blue light for a couple of days. The light is now gone but the remote start it is no longer working  through the app or OEM key (3 lock clicks).

Everything seems to be connected properly. Is there a way to reset or what else could be wrong?


asked Oct 4, 2020 in Volkswagen by Valeria Rojas (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Solid light on antenna normally means that the remote starter is in Valet Mode. Which means it's "Off".

To diable valet, it can be done by turning ignition ON, then press and release 3x the valet button.


To also confirm that the remote start is indeed in valet mode, the lights on the vehicle will flash 4 times after attempting to remote start.
answered Oct 5, 2020 by Robert T (305,430 points)