Questions & Answers

Solid blue light...HELP!

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2010 Dodge Journey- installing the evo all as a stand alone starter, updated to firmware 74.39 and using a T-harness CHR4. i've connected both yellow wires and cut the yellow wire and attached the yellow/green wire  on the ignition side as per the diagram. I've checked the connection several times but each time I only get the solid blue light when programming, what am i doing wrong?
asked Nov 9, 2021 in Dodge by Shane Benjie (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If the blue led does not turn off when you turn the key on then there is porbably an issue with the interupt.


Rejoin the wire you cut and re attempt programming. If it programs then you need to revise how you interupted the wire.
answered Nov 9, 2021 by derek g (357,630 points)
Thanks man, figured it out. Replaced the Black 20 pin connector with a white one,  worked after that.