Questions & Answers

2010 Caravan not programing

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I have a evo-all, im trying to install in my works 2010 Dodge Caravan, I hook it up but it wont program to the van, I have the wiring done correctly, I can start and drive, just wont program to use the Remote Start, I took it to a local installer and had the Evo-All programmed with "Option 15" but when he was in the software, Option 15 was something todo with the Lock and I think 36 was the 3x Remote Start Option, He said they where already on and reflashed it to make sure. But  I cant get it to program to the 2010, the Blue light just keeps flashing slowly after I put the van into ON after doing the programing steps.
asked May 1, 2014 in Dodge by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes


What is the 12 digit service number written on the back of the EVO?

Option 15 was something todo with the Lock and I think 36 was the 3x Remote Start Option,

This is not right. They need to first update their flash-link manager and then also make sure that on the bottom right corner of the flash link manager screen it says Connection Mode: Bypass and not Connection Mode: Remote Starter. If they do not know how, they can call tech support : 1-877-336-7797



answered May 1, 2014 by Robert T (304,060 points)

Ill retrieve the number tomorrow, I do however know that it did say "Connection Mode: Remote Starter"

Ill retrieve the number tomorrow, I do however know that it did say "Connection Mode: Remote Starter"

Before pluggin in the EVO to the flash link, click on the Toggle button right above where it says Connection Mode: Remote Starter, it will then swap back to Connection Mode: Bypass.

Have not had time to get over and get it done yet, Service # 001A06 286290

I might just get them to order a Flash Link Updater in for me to buy, since they only have the one they use for installs.