Questions & Answers

INT SL + on a jeep grand cherokee 2003 CRD

0 votes


i've installed the INT sl+ on to my jeep grand cherokee 2003 CRD diesel

now i'm trying to program it but when i follow the steps in the manual it seems that after i turned the key to the on posision and the light is sepose te flash but, it doesnt any idee how to fix that ?

if i turn off the key anyway after a few minutes the light will stay on and i can start the car with remote start but i will turn it self off right away saing there is no key in the switch


grz Jurjen
asked Dec 4, 2013 in Jeep by jurjen tuinenga (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the 12 digit service number written on the back of the INT-SL+ ?
answered Dec 4, 2013 by Robert T (303,700 points)
002102 042351

Firmware 0.55 has a fix for Chrysler that give programming problems
i've read about it the only problem is that i dont have a flash updater becouse the told me that it was plug and play