Questions & Answers

blue led doesn't light with lock/unlock after successful dcryptor update

0 votes
My vehicle:  2014 ford escape (non-push button) with oem remotes

Dcryptor programed successfully, and updated device.  

A1, A3, C1, D1, and D1.6 options are ON. All other options OFF.

Can test: blue led ON with key out, and OFF with key in and ignition. led never blinks.

When lock/unlock is pressed: no LED's light up & car will NOT remote start.

What am I missing?   

Any help is much appreciated.  I'm stumped.
asked Aug 9, 2016 in Ford by travis peterson (390 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Could you please turn on options A1-A11, C1, D1 and then save options.


Oem remote monitoring (blue led flashes with oem remote button activation) is all done on the 2 wires that are connected to OBD-2 connector (Can H and L)


If there is a problem with those 2 wires then pressing lock or unlock with not flash the blue led.


Thank you,
answered Aug 9, 2016 by J M (64,270 points)
selected Aug 10, 2016 by travis peterson
will this also affect the non blinking blue led during the can test?
I do not understand what you mean by "can-test"? There is no such procedure stated in the guides that we have online at the moment.


In step 7 of the dcryptor programming guide, the blue leds is supposed to have flashed at this point, did you see this during your programming?

If not, please unplug the black 4 pin connector on the evo, press and hold the programming button insert the datalink connector, release on blue. then insert and turn the ignition switch to the ON position, the blue led should shut off and after a few seconds start to flash.


If the blue led shuts off but does not flash as stated above, then you have an issue with the Can H and Can L connections to the OBD2 connector.


If the blue led does not shut off, the you have an issue with the Yellow wire (pin A1) on the 20 pin connector, when checked with a digital voltmeter, this wire should show 12v from the moment the vehicle's ignition key is INSERTED into the ignition switch,


There are 4 loose wires on the t-harness, ONLY 3 of those are to be connected to the t-harness. please look at the wiring guide and make sure that all wires from the 20 pin connector to the t-harness are connected as shown.


Thank you,
The blue light never flashes when ignition is switched to the ON position.  I used a multimeter to test voltage at can H and Can L and got nothing.  Currently the car is back at the dealership for them to address this problem.  Hopefully it's something basic like a fuse and will be easy to fix.

Can you please confirm how much voltage I should be getting from the Can H and Can L when they are working properly? I think its between 2.3 - 2.8v, but not certain.

Thank you for all your support!
Can Bus voltages vary but should not be more than 5v when voltages from the Can H and Can L are added together.


But you should also not see almost 5v only on one wire and 0v on the other, since this will indicate an problem on the vehicle's can bus system and that the vehicle has switched to "single wire-can" instead of the usual 2-wire can (hence Can H and L) the vehicle is designed to operate normally in single wire can mode if even it detects a problem on either wire for safety.

But the evo-all needs a working 2 wire can to properly communicate with the vehicle.