Questions & Answers

Connected parking light wire and they do not turn on.

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I bought the EVO-ALL with THAR-NIS1 for my Nissan Juke 2012 ( PTS ) I was able to get every other connection working except the parking lights. I plugged the brown wire from the harness to the purple wire shown in the Wire-Color pictures and even confirmed that it is the correct wire because I get a constant 12v when I turn on the parking lights and probe that wire. Is there something I am missing that would cause the lights not to turn on?


asked Apr 20, 2017 in Nissan by aer3090 (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
There is a bunch of purple wires in that connector that will test parking but not light them up. Remove the cover from the connector and make sure you are at the exact same pin location. 1st pin to the left in the green portion of the connector.
answered Apr 20, 2017 by aer3090 (85,210 points)
0 votes
Does the micro relay that's prewired in the t-harness clicking (hold in your hand to feel the click) when you lock and unlock?
answered Apr 21, 2017 by J M (64,270 points)
I tested this and I did not feel any clicking when lock and unlocking, verified that it is the purple wire stated above, I even replaced the microrelay from another harness just to rule out that it wasn't a defective relay. There might be a faulty connection to the relay, I am just going to let it be. The parking lights were a nice to have but not really a necessity for me, just wanted to know if I was missing something during the install. All the other connections are working great, even the door pin, my auto lights shut off after 15 seconds after I shut off the remote start. I guess I do get parking lights at night since my auto lights do turn on when I remote start at night. I mainly wanted the parking lights for confirmation of lock, unlock, and remote start but I installed MyCar Control System with the evo-all and it does a fantastic job of letting me know without having to look at the car.

Thanks for the help though, greatly appreciate it.