Questions & Answers

07 Jetta No key wrap Firmware???

+1 vote
I am looking at purchasing the ONLY bypass module in the world that doesnt require a key wrap provided by Fortin. I see there is a beta firmware for this. Is the firmware available for us to use or is this still under development?

Also I'm looking at all of the options to get the best experience with your products. I need at least an Evo-All and a TB-VW. I could purchase an EVO-One and get the keyfobs but it seems more economical to purchase my own remote start and use the Evo-one. I see some people have used DEI products with fortin, is Audiovox/Code Alarm compatable as well? Thanks for the help, Look forward to becoming a customer.
asked Mar 25, 2018 in Volkswagen by Jonathan Brand (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I see there is a beta firmware for this. Is the firmware available for us to use or is this still under development?


The firmware is available but as stated it is a beta, I have seen about a 50/50% rate for it working as some platform of these older volkswagens have not been seen or validated. 


I see some people have used DEI products with fortin, is Audiovox/Code Alarm compatable as well?


Yes the evo-all supports all 3 major protocols, Fortin, AP/OFA/ & D2D

answered Mar 26, 2018 by derek g (358,030 points)