Questions & Answers

Toyota Tacoma Evo one installed but will not start or blink after being programmed.

0 votes
I installed the Evo one using the instructions. When I was done programming and I removed the key from the ignition. The red light disappears and then no lights will reappear again. I have tried to re program and have checked every wire 5 times. The truck does not attempt to start when the button sequence completed, it acts normal. I am unsure what to do at this point.
asked Sep 13, 2019 in Toyota by Colin McCreary (240 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?

How are you trying to remote start the vehicle?

Was the yellow loop cut?
answered Sep 13, 2019 by derek g (358,230 points)
Where would I find the service number?

On the Box, it says Evo-one B00PWUYWJ8     101261678

I am pushing the OEM remote lock button 3 times.

The Yellow cord on the module was cut because it is an automatic transmission.
service number is on the back of the module.
Service Number: 002B04 010688

You have a 2007 Tacoma? 3x lock start is not supported on a 2007 Tacoma. There is no CAN-BUS that the module is connected to in that car which were the module would monitor the remote. 


Per the website, an RF-KIT is required:


You will also need to enable option 2.4, 20.2 and 32.3

So i have to buy something else?
The simple way is to purchase an RF-KIT so that you can control the system.


The hard way is to flash version 0.82 as the remote starter firmware instead of 1.24 and wire the driver door lock motor wire to the middle pin of the shock sensor port. Door lock motors are + trigger so you will need to convert it to a (-) trigger using a relay. With that firmware, 0.82,  and physically wiring the door lock motor wire, you will get 3 xlock start.
I would like the compustar one so that I can have lock and unlock on the remote as well. Will this work with the current module.