Questions & Answers

2011 Journey doesn't start - Red light flashes 5 times for hood open error

0 votes
I am installing a EVO-CHRT6 on a 2011 Dodge Journey.

I connected all the wires except for the parking lights. I programmed the module according to the guide with the C1, D1, and D1.10 options. However on trying the 3x lock to remote start the module just flashes red 5 times. I have tried reprogramming the module but the problem persists. I have also made sure the hood pin wire is not grounded. The vehicle does not have a factory hood pin. Please let me know how to solve this issue, I have never encountered anything like this before
asked Nov 14, 2019 in Dodge by Mustafa Abbasi (200 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
If you have installed a hood pin veirfy how it is installed because it is not right.


If your vehicle is equipped with an OEM hood pin, it sounds like its probably defective so 2 options:

1- Repair the vehicle

2- Turn off A11 inside the unit and re test.
answered Nov 14, 2019 by derek g (357,930 points)
selected Nov 19, 2019 by Mustafa Abbasi