Questions & Answers

After parking car, remote start does not work.

0 votes


I have evo all. I reference the guide below;

I established the necessary connections. When I start car manually with the key then I stop it. If I start remote ignition immediately, it works.

But, If I park my car for a while an retry, the car does not work also no light is blink on the device.

It seems device loses the power somehow and can not get the command.

What can cause the issue?

Thank you

posté Jan 25, 2023 dans la catégorie Ford par Ferhat (370 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
What is the 12 digit service number (s/n) of the module?
répondu Jan 25, 2023 par Robert T (305,010 points)
Hi @Robert T,

The code is SN 001A07 382390

Thank you

Please do the following. 

  1. RESET the EVO-ALL (this will clear previous in car programming along with setting option back to default)
  2. Enable options C1, D1 and D1.1 (if you want Lock-unlock-lock instead of 3xlock). Do turn off or on any other options. 
  3. Reprogram the module following the 1-key dcryptor method and not the 2-key programming method. 


Reset procedure found here:

1-key dcryptor programming found on page 7+ of the installation guide.

Hi @Robert T,

Thank you for your reply.

I reprogrammed the key with decryptor with 1 key and 3x lock combination.

The result is the same. At the beginning it works. After a while it loses the energy.

Maybe I connected something wrong.

Hereby I'm sharing my diagram maybe it gives more insight

Thank you
0 votes
Honestly, I just give up.

Since I bought this product, I'm trying to install it properly but I could not success.

Some companies selling this product on Ebay %100 plug and play however it's not.
Still some extra cable work necessary.

Since I'm not an electrician I don't want to take risk anymore. Just pause for now. Maybe I try in another time.

I just could not solve the latest issue I have. When I lock the car and park it, evo does not work. Maybe I need to go to an electrician to get a professional help.

Anyway I appreciate community members tried to help me. Thank you

Best regards.
répondu Jan 26, 2023 par Ferhat (370 points)